About fund

About education throughout life

Learning people create a more interesting and opportunity-rich life for themselves and a better Latvia for all of us. Only curious individuals, a knowledgeable and growth-oriented society, where there is an understanding of economic and scientific processes, can promote the country’s growth and overall well-being.

We believe that everyone has the right to access quality knowledge throughout their lifetime, and it should be both an individual and societal core value. We know that we can do more to promote the formation of a knowledge society and improve the financial literacy of citizens, thereby advancing the country’s economic development.

To create transformative changes, we will invite the most powerful thinkers and doers in the field of education to collaborate, as well as help new players emerge in the education ecosystem to collaborate and create initiatives that encourage lifelong learning, promote financial health in society, and help ensure quality education for everyone.


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Borem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur tempus urna at turpis condimentum lobortis.

Directions of the Fund's activities

  • Promotion of equality in the accessibility of quality education throughout Latvia;

  • Promotion of knowledge-seeking by fostering lifelong learning as a fundamental value of society and individuals

  • Promotion of competitive education for economic development growth (including the creation of content and tools in the STEM field)

  • Promotion of financial literacy throughout society

Governance model


The board of the fund consists of 1 board member, namely the chairman of the board. The founder (Swedbank) appoints the first board member. Meanwhile, the council, consisting of 5 members, is a supervisory body responsible for strategic planning of the fund’s activities, developing fund policies and procedures, and overseeing the work of the board and the achievement of the fund’s objectives. The initial members of the council are also appointed by the Founder – Swedbank, taking into account criteria such as impeccable reputation, sufficiently diverse represented competencies, including those related to labor market needs, education system, understanding of the fund’s objectives, previous successful experience in leadership roles, academic or scientific work, as well as public activities, willingness, and availability of time to work in the fund’s council. The financial and economic activities of the foundation are supervised by an auditor.

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About the tasks and duties in the fund
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About the tasks and duties in the fund


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